Team messaging doesn’t get better than this
Chat in real time anytime, anywhere, from any device. Connect with individuals, create teams, bring remote workers together, or build relationships with customers without running up a high bill. Getting work done together has never been this easy, fast, or free.
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Easy and seamless
of users say Glip has made their communications easier.
All information in one place
of Glip users are more informed about their organization’s projects.
Fast and effective
of Glip users deliver projects faster than before.
Real-time file sharing
Instantly share by posting links and files directly in Glip or by sharing your screen during a video call. Open files and add comments to provide on the spot feedback while keeping everything organized, accessible, and visible.
Seamless integration with your favorite business apps
Glip plays well with all your favorite apps, such as Google Drive, Box, and Jira. Whether you're a developer, project manager, marketer, or customer-support executive, Glip will work seamlessly with your most critical business apps.
Get started today. Its free.
Drop us a line today for a free quote!